Publicaciones en el Science Citation Index
1. K. M. Brieno-Enriquez, J. Ledesma-Garcia,J.J. Perez-Bueno, L.A. Godinez, Humberto Terrones, C. Angeles-Chavez. "Bonding titanium on multi-walled carbon nanotubes for hydrogen storage: An electrochemical approach". MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS . 2009 ;115 :521-525
2. Muñoz-Navia, M., Dorantes-Dávila, J., Terrones, M. and Terrones, H "Ground-state electronic structure of nanoscale carbon cones". PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2005 ;72 :235403
3. Terrés, E., Panella, B., Hayashi, T., Kim, Y.A., Endo, M., Dominguez, J.M., Hirscher, M., Terrones, H., Terrones, M "Hydrogen Storage in Nanoporous Carbon". CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS . 2005 ;403, :363-366.
4. Araujo-Andrade C, Ruiz F, Martinez-Mendoza JR, Terrones H "Infrared and Raman spectra, conformational stability, ab initio calculations of structure, and vibrational assignment of α and β glucose". JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM. 2005 ;714 (2-3): :143-146
5. M. Dehonor, K. Masenelli-Varlot , A. González-Montiel , C. Gauthier , J.Y. Cavaillé, H. Terrones, and M. Terrones. "Nanotube brushes: Polystyrene grafted covalently on CNx nanotubes by nitroxide-mediated radical polymerization ". CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2005 ;14(42) :5349-5351
6. Elías, A.L., Rodríguez-Manzo, J.A., McCartney, M.R., Golberg, D., Zamudio, A., Baltazar, S.E., López-Urías, F., Muñoz-Sandoval, E., Gu, L., Tang, C.C., Smith, D.J., Bando, Y., Terrones, H., Terrones, M. "Production and Characterization of Single-crystal FeCo Nanowires inside Carbon Nanotubes". NANO LETTERS . 2005 ;5 :467-472
7. Lupo, F., Rodriguez-Manzo, J.A., Zamudio, A., Elias, A.L., Kim, Y.A., Hayashi, T., Muramatsu, H., Kamalakaran, R,Terrones, H., Endo, M., Rühle, M., Terrones, M "Pyrolytic synthesis of long strands of large diameter single walled carbon nanotubes at atmospheric pressure in the absence of sulphur and hydrogen". CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS . 2005 ;410 : 384-390.
8. Morinobu Endo, Takuya Hayashi, Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Yoong-Ahm Kim, Humberto Terrones, Mauricio Terrones, and Mildred S. Dresselhaus "Coalescence of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Formation of Novel Carbon Bicables". NANO LETTERS . 2004 ;4 (8) :1451 -1454
9. K. Page, Th. Proffen, H. Terrones, M. Terrones, L. Lee, Y. Yang, S. Stemmer, R. Seshadri, A.K. Cheetham "Direct Observation of the Structure of Gold Nanoparticles by Total Scattering Powder Neutron Diffraction". CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS . 2004 ;393 :385-388
10. J.C. Charlier, M. Terrones, F. Banhart, N. Grobert, H. Terrones, and P.M. Ajayan "Experimental Observation and Quantum Modeling of Electron Irradiation on Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY. 2004 ;2 :349-354
11. F. Villalpando-Paez, A.H. Romero, E. Muñoz-Sandoval, L.M. Martínez, H. Terrones, M. Terrones "Fabrication of vapor and gas sensors using films of aligned CNx nanotubes.". CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS . 2004 ;386 :137-143 Número de citas: 23
12. Rocquefelte,X. Rignanese, G.-M., Meunier, V., Terrones, H., Terrones,M., Charlier, J.-C. "How to Identify Haeckelite Sructures: A Theoretical Study of their Electronic and Vibrational Properties.". NANO LETTERS . 2004 ;4 (5) :805-810
13. Terrones, M., Jorio, A., Endo, M., Rao, A.M., Kim. Y.A., Hayashi, T., Terrones, H., Charlier, J-C., Dresselhaus, G., Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, M.S. "New Directions of Nanotube Science: Properties, Characterization and Applications of B- and N-doped systems". MATERIALS TODAY . 2004 ;7 :30-45
14. Yoon, M., Seungwu, H., Kim, G., Lee S.B., Beber, S., Osawa, E., Ihm, J., Terrones, M., Banhart, F., Charlier, J.-C.,-Grobert, N., Terrones, H., Ajayan, P.M., Tomanek, D. "Zipper Mechanism of Nanotube Fusion: Theory and Experiment.". PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2004 ;92 : 075504
15. Golberg, D., Dorozhkin, P. S., Bando, Y., Dong, Z. -C., Grobert, N., Reyes-Reyes, M., Terrones, H., Terrones M. "Cables of Bn-insulated B-C-N nanotubes". APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2003 ;82(8) :1275-1277
16. Terrones, H., and Terrones, M., "Curved Nanoestructured Materials". NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. 2003 ;5
17. Terrones H., Terrones M. "Curved Nanoestructured Materials ( in journal of phys)". NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. 2003 ;5 :126.1-126.37
18. Hernandez, E. Meunier, V., Smith, B.W., Rurali, R., Terrones, H.,Buongiorno Nardelli, M., Terrones, M., Luzzi, D.E., Charlier, J.-C. "Fullerene Coalescence in Nanopeapods: A Path to Novel Tubular Carbon". NANO LETTERS . 2003 ;3 :1037-1042
19. Endo M, Kim YA, Hayashi T, Yanagisawa T, Muramatsu H, Ezaka M, Terrones H, "Microstructural changes induced in ". CARBON. 2003 ;41 :1941-1947
20. Terrones, H., Terrones, M "Nanotubos, Nanoestructuras y Nanocompuestos de Carbono: Los Matriales del Siglo XXI (en español)". SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. 2003 (en impresión (aceptado))
21. Choi, Y.M., Lee, D.S., Czerw, R., Chiu, P-W., Grobert, N., Terrones, M., "Nonlinear behavior in the Thermopower of Doped Carbon Nanotubes Due to Strong, Localized States". NANO LETTERS . 2003 ;3 :839-842
22. Terrones M., Golberg D., Grobert N., Seeger T., Reyes-Reyes M., Mayne M., Kamalakaran R., Dorozhkin P., Dong Z.C., Terrones H., Rühle M., Bando Y. "Production and state-of-the-art characterization of aligned nanotubes with homogeneous BCxN (1< x <5) compositions". ADVANCED MATERIALS. 2003 ;15 :1899-1905
23. Jiang, K., Eitan, A., Schadler, L. S., Ajayan, P. M., Siegel, R. W., Grobert, N., Mayne, M., Reyes-Reyes, M., Terrones, H., Terrones, M. "Selective attachment of gold nanoparticles to nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes". NANO LETTERS . 2003 ;3(3) :275-277
24. Golberg, D., Dorozhkin, P.S., Bando, Y., Dong, Z.C., Tang, C.C., Uemura, Y., Grobert, N., Reyes-Reyes, M., Terrones, H., Terrones, M. "Structure, transport and field-emission properties of compound nanotubes: CNx vs. BNCx (x < 0.1)". APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING . 2003 ;4 :499-507
25. Terrones M., Terrones H "The carbon nanocosmos: novel materials for the XXI century". PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES. 2003 ;361 :2789-2806
26. Golberg D., Bando Y., Sato T., Grobert N., Reyes-Reyes M., Terrones-Maldonado H., Terrones-Maldonado M. "BN nanocages: super-high pressure nanocells for encapsulation of solid Nitrogen.". JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 2002 ;116 :8523-8532
27. M. Terrones, P.M. Ajayan, F. Banhart, X. Blase, D.L. Carroll, J.C. Charlier, R. Czerw, B. Foley, N. Grobert, R. Kamalakaran, Ph. Kohler-Redlich, M. Rühle, T. Seeger, H. Terrones. "Doping and Connecting Carbon Nanotubes". MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS . 2002 ;387 :51-62
28. Xu J.F., Terrones-Maldonado M., Grobert N., Czerw R., Reyes Reyes M., Terrones-Maldonado H., Ajayan P.M., Carroll D.L. "Doping Effects of B and N on the Optical Limiting Phenomena in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes.". OPTICS LETTERS. 2002 (sometido (preprint))
29. Charlier J-C., Terrones M., Baxendale M., Meunier V., Zacharia T.,Rupesinghe N.L., Hsu W.K., Grobert N., Terrones H., Amaratunga G.A.J. "Enhanced electron field emission in B-doped carbon nanotubes". NANO LETTERS . 2002 ;2 :1191-1195
30. H. Terrones, T. Hayashi, M. Muñoz-Navia, M. Terrones, Y.A. Kim, N. Grobert, R. Kamalakaran, J. Dorantes-Davila, R. Escudero, M.S. Dresselhaus, and M. Endo "Graphitic Cones in Carbon Nanofibres ". MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS . 2002 ;387 :39-50
31. Golberg D., Bando Y., Mitome M., Kurashima K., Grobert N., Reyes-Reyes, Terrones-Maldonado H., Terrones-Maldonado M. "Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Elemental mapping of aligned B-C-N nanotubes.". CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS . 2002 ;360 :1-7
32. Terrones-Maldonado M., Ajayan P.M., Banhart F., Blase X., Carrol D.L., Charlier J.C., Czerw R., Foley B., Grobert N., Kamalakaran R., Kohler Redlich P., Ruhle M., Seeger T., Terrones-Maldonado H. "N-doping and Coalescence of Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis and Electronic Properties ". APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING . 2002 ;74 :355-361
33. Golberg D., Bando Y., Mitome M., Kurashima K., Sato T., Grobert N., Reyes Reyes, Terrones-Maldonado H., Terrones-Maldonado M. "Preparation of aligned BN and B/C/N nanotubular arrays and their characterization using HRTEM, EELS and energy-filtered TEM". PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER. 2002 ;323 :60-66
34. Terrones-Maldonado M., Terrones G., Terrones-Maldonado H. "Structure, Chirality, and Formation of Giant Icosahedral Fullerenes and Spherical Graphitic Onions.". STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY. 2002 ;13 :373-384
35. Terrones-Maldonado M., Grobert N., Terrones-Maldonado H. "Synthetic routes to Nanoscale BxCyNz architectures.". CARBON. 2002 ;40 :1665-1684
36. Coleman K.S., Sloan J., Hanson N.A., Brown G., Clancy G., Terrone-Maldonado M., Terrones-Maldonado H., Green M.L.H. "The formation of ReS2 inorganic fullerene-like structures containing Re4 parallelogram units and met". JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2002 ;124 :11580-11581
37. Terrones-Maldonado H., Terrones-Maldonado M. "The shape of graphitic structures.". FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES. 2002 ;2 (en impresión (aceptado))
38. Terrones-Maldonado M., Charlier J.C., Banhart H., Grobert N., Ajayan P.M. "Towards Nanodevice Fabrication: Joining and Connecting Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes.". NEW DIAMOND AND FRONTIER CARBON TECHNOLOGY. 2002 ;12 :315-323
39. Grobert N., Mayne M. Terrones M., Sloan J., Dunin-Borkowski R. E., Kamalakaran R., Seeger T., Terrones H., Rühle M., Walton D. R. M., Kroto H. W., Hutchison J. L. "Alloy Nanowires: Invar inside carbon nanotubes.". CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2001 ;5 :471-472
40. Endo M., Kim Y., Fukai Y., Hayashi T., Terrones M., Terrones H., Dresselhaus M.S. "Comparison study of semi-crystalline and highly crystalline multiwalled carbon nanotubes". APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2001 ;79 :1531-1533
41. Terrones-Maldonado H., Terrones-Maldonado M., Moran-Lopez, J. "Curved Nanomaterials". CURRENT SCIENCE. 2001 ;81 :1011
42. Zavala-Río A., Brogliato B. "Direct adaptive control design for one-degree-of-freedom complementary-slackness jugglers". AUTOMATICA . 2001 ;37(7) :1117-1123
43. Hernández E., Ordejón P., Terrones H. "Fullerene growth and the role of non-classical isomers". PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2001 ;63 :manuscript 193403
44. Terrones-Maldonado H., Hayashi T., Muñoz Navia M., Terrones-Maldonado M., Kim Y., Grobert N., Kamalakaran R., Dorantes Dávila, Escudero R., Dresselhaus M., Endo M "Graphitic cones in palladium catalysed carbon nanofibres". CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS . 2001 ;343 :241-250
45. Czerw R., Terrones-Maldonado M., Charlier J., Blase X., Foley B., Kamalakaran R., Grobert N., Terrones-Maldonado H., Ajayan P., Blau W., Tekleab D., Ruhle M., Carroll D. "Identification of Electron Donor States in N-doped Nanotubes". NANO LETTERS . 2001 ;1 :457
46. Terrones-Maldonado M., Terrones-Maldonado H. "Structure and Formation of Fullerenes". MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY . 2001
47. Hsu W., Zhu Y., Firth S., Terrones-Maldonado M., Terrones-Maldonado H., Trasobares S., Clark R., Kroto H., Walton D. "WxMoyCzS2 nanotubes". CARBON. 2001 ;39 :1107-1111
48. Grobert N., Terrones M., Trasobares S., Kordatos K., Terrones H., Olivares J., Zhang J.P., Redlich Ph., Hsu W.K., Reeves C.L., Wallis D.J., Zhu Y.Q., Hare J.P., Pidduck A.J., Kroto H.W., Walton D.R.M. "A Novel Route to Aligned Nanotubes and Nanofibres using Laser Patterned Catalytic Substrates.". APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING . 2000 ;70 :175-183
49. Han W.Q., Kohler-Redlich P., Seeger T., Ernst F., Rühle M., Grobert N., Hsu W. K., Zhu Y. Q., Terrones M., Terrones H., Kroto H. W., Walton D. R. M. "Aligned N-doped Nanotubes by pyrolysis of ferrocene/C60 under NH3 atmosphere.". APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2000 ;77 :1807-1809
50. Hsu W. K., Chang B.H., Zhu Y Q., Han W. Q., Terrones H., Terrones M., Grobert N., Cheetham A.K., Kroto H. W., Walton D. R. M. "An Alternative route to Molydenum Disulphide Nanotubes.". JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2000 ;122 :10155-10158
51. Hsu W.K., Firth S., Redlich P., Terrones M., Terrones H., Zhu Y. Q., Grobert G., Schilder A., Clark R. J. H., Kroto H. W., Walton D. R. M. "Boron doping effects in carbon nanotubes.". JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. 2000 ;10 :1425-1429
52. Terrones M., Terrones H., Charlier J.C., Banhart F., Ajayan P.M. "Coalescence of Single walled Carbon Nanotubes.". SCIENCE. 2000 ;288 :1226-1229
53. Hu W.B., Zhu Y.Q., Hsu W.K., Chang B.H., Terrones M., Grobert N., Terrones H., Hare J.P., Kroto H.W., Walton D.R.M. "Generation of Hollow Crystalline Tungsten Oxide Fibres.". APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING . 2000 ;70 :231-233
54. Hsu W.K., Li W.Z., Zhu Y.Q., Grobert N., Terrones M., Terrones H., Yao N., Zhang J.P., Firth S., Clark R.J.H., Cheetham A.K., Hare J.P., Kroto H.W., Walton D.R.M. "KCl crystallization within the space between carbon nanotube walls.". CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS . 2000 ;317 :77-82
55. Hsu W.K., Chu S.Y., Muñoz Picone E., Boldú J.L., Firth S., Franchi P., Roberts B.P., Schilder A., Terrones H., Grobert N., Zhu Y.Q., Terrones M., McHenry M.E., Kroto H.W., Walton D.R.M. "Metallic behaviour of boron-containing carbon nanotubes.". CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS . 2000 ;323 :572-579
56. Hsu W.K., Zhu Y.Q., Boothroyd C.B., Kinloch I., Trasobares S., Terrones H., Grobert N., Terrones M., Escudero R., Chen G.Z., Colliex C., Windle A.H., Fray D.J., Kroto H.W., Walton D.R.M "Mixed-phase WxMoyCzS2 nanotubes.". CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. 2000 ;12 :3541-3544
57. Zhu Y Q., Hsu W. K., Terrones H., Grobert N., Chang B. H., Terrones M., Wei B.Q., Kroto H. W., Walton D. R. M., Boothroyd C. B., Kinloch I., Chen G. Z., Windle A. H., Fray D. J. "Morphology, structure and growth of WS2 nanotubes.". JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. 2000 ;10 :2570-2577
58. Terrones H., Terrones M., Hernández E., Grobert N., Charlier J.C., Ajayan P.M. "New metallic allotropes of planar and tubular carbon.". PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2000 ;84 :1716
59. Seifert G., Terrones H., Terrones M., Frauenheim T. "Novel Mettalic NbS2 nanotubes.". SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS. 2000 ;115 :635-638
Publicaciones en otros índices internacionales
1. Terrones M., Hayashi T., Nishimura K., Endo M., Terrones H., Hsu W.K., Grobert N., Zhu Y.Q., Kroto H.W., Walton D.R.M. "Carbon nanotubes and nanofibres: Exotic materials of carbon". Tanso. 2000 ;145 :424-433
2. Chávez J.L., Dávila J., Terrones, H. "Environment effects on the electronic properties of carbon fullerenes: a local Approach". Fullerene Science and Technology. 1998 ;6 :769-786
3. Terrones H., Terrones M. "Fullerenes with Non-positive Gaussian Curvature: Holey Balls.". Fullerene Science and Technology . 1998 ;6 :751-768
4. Terrones M., Hsu W. K., Ramos S., Castillo R., Terrones H. "The Role of Boron Nitride in graphite plasma arcs.". Fullerene Science & Technology . 1998 ;6 :787-800
5. Terrones M.,Terrones H. "The role of defects in Graphitic Structures.". Fullerene Science and Technology. . 1996 ;4 :517-533
6. Yacamán M., Terrones H., Rendón L., Domínguez J.M., "Carbon structures grown from decomposition of a phenilacetylene and thiofene mixture on Ni particles". Carbon. 1995 ;33 :669-678
7. Terrones H. "Flexible atomic structures: flexi-crystallography". The Society for Science on Form. 1995 ;10 :1-15
8. Terrones H. "The flipping of corannulene C20H10 through surface transformations and the stability of C20". Fullerene Science and Technology. 1995 ;3 :107-114
9. Terrones H., Fayos J., Aragón J.L., "Geometrical and physical properties of hypothetical periodic and aperiodic graphitic structures". Acta Metallurgica et Materialia. 1994 ;42 :2687-2700
10. Terrones H., Mackay A.L. "Hypothetical Curved Graphite". Nanostructured Materials. 1993 ;3 :319-329
Publicaciones en revistas no indizadas
1. Terrones-Maldonado M & Terrones-Maldonado H. "Structure and Formation of Fullerenes ". In The Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology.. 2002 (en impresión (aceptado))
Capítulos en libros.
1. Terrones H. and Terrones M, Geometry and energetics of high genus fullerenes and nanotubes” , DIMACS: Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Pp.33-342, No especificado. 2000.
2. H Terrones & M Terrones, The Shape of Carbon: Novel Materials for the 21st Century , ADVANCES IN NANOENGINEERING: ELECTRONICS, MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLY , Royal Society Series on Advances in Science , ISBN 1793-1827. No especificado. 2007.
Como editor
1. Terrrones Humberto., Fullerene Research in México , Opulus Press, Pp.731-898. E.U.A., 2000.
2. -, Nanotechnology of Carbon and Related Materials , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, , Reino Unido, 2004.
3. -, Nanotechnology of Carbon and Related Materials , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, , Reino Unido, 2004.
1. Alan L. Mackay, Jacek Klinowski, H. Terrones, FLEXI–CRYSTALS: Curved Surfaces In Chemical Structure , Spectrum , Inglaterra, 2000.
Publicaciones de Divulgación Científica.
1. Terrones H. "Nanoestructuras con curvatura". Ciencia- Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, 5(1) Pp.40-52 2003 (Revista)
2. García Cruz Rosángel y Terrones-Maldonado Humberto "Crecimiento y Estabilidad de Fullerenos a través de un Potencial de Varios Cuerpos.". Revista TIP especializada en ciencias quimico biologicas , 5(1) Pp.29-38 2002 (Revista)
3. Terrones, H "Nanoestructuras: tecnologías del futuro hoy". Ciencia y Desarrollo, 20(162) Pp.46-49 2002 (Revista)
4. Terrones-Maldonado Humberto "Nanomaterials with Curvature". Revista TIP especializada en ciencias químico biologicas, 5(1) Pp.47-56 2002 (Revista)
5. Terrones M., Terrones H., Sabugal P. "Fullerenos: ciencia juego y arte.". El Nacional., Pp.8-10 1998 (Periódico)
6. Terrones H., Terrones M. "Fullerenos y Nanotubos de Carbono: Nuevos Materiales para el siglo XX1". Revista TIP especializada en Ciencias Químico Biológicas., 1998 (Revista)
7. Terrones H. "La producción controlada de haces de nanotubos". Investigación y Ciencia , Pp.40-42 1998 (Revista)
8. Terrones H. "Flexicistalografía: estructuras en espacios curvos". El Nacional, Pp.42, 9 1997 (Periódico)
9. Terrones H "Los Premios Nobel o el Cabildeo Intelectual". El Nacional, Pp.43, 26 1997 (Periódico)
10. Terrones H. and Morán López J.L. "Los Fullerenos una Nueva Forma del Carbono.". Revista Ciencia y Desarrollo, 19 Pp.22-30 1993 (Revista)
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